Many professors from leading universities in California proposed a new teaching method in the middle of the last century, which could lead to a multiplication of educational efficiencies and a multiplication of learning content in …

Many professors from leading universities in California proposed a new teaching method in the middle of the last century, which could lead to a multiplication of educational efficiencies and a multiplication of learning content in …
This project is a waste of entertainment, but only on the surface. You might say it’s the work of tireless parents who want to keep their child occupied with something interesting, at least for a …
In past centuries, occultists or writers have been the prophets of the future, then today, they are video game developers. Sigma Theory: Global Cold War game is a classic in the Cold War simulation and …
In business, people have to make a lot of calls and call back their current and potential clients because they don’t always get what they want on the first try. However, dialing numbers, monitoring call …
Any user of a tablet or smartphone on the Android basis may want to get something they want through a mobile application, in which case he or she will visit Play Market (the official software …
In 2013, a year before the outbreak of the last political crisis, Geopolitical Simulator, the third part of the strategy with a political tone was released. It had such a working name as Masters of …
We see politicians on television more often than regular musicians and actors. But more importantly, all politicians belong to the elite of society and, as a consequence, they have many advantages over ordinary citizens. These …