In this article, you will find information about the best games for Nintendo Switch. The list will be presented based on the game rating that users rated. Our website offers you a convenient navigation system, which will help you to easily and quickly choose the game relative to the genre. Also, we’re sure you’ll find the style of games you like best.
Nintendo Switch’s Best Games according to gamers reviews
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a novelty of Polish developers from CD Projekt RED. It combines an open and diverse world with a non-linear proprietary story in a completely good manner. That line combines story and modern graphics. The game’s script length is about 25 times that of its previous version.
Here, the virtual world is as open as possible to exploration by gamers, and artificial boundaries do not exist, nor are constraints to research and its conquest. You can use different modes of transportation, like horses and even ships.
Breath of the Wild is a new and exciting part of the project that was released exclusively for the Nintendo Switch and Wii U. This game has a story that takes place in the open world. A high level of graphics, guaranteed to be appreciated by every gamer, is the strength of this game. The Nintendo Switch’s Best Games list is well received by Breath of the Wild because it is popular among gamers due to its original story, which will keep all users in a pleasant tension throughout the process. The game is filled with various puzzles that you will have to learn to move to new levels and to perform tasks as efficiently as possible.
During the game, you will have to overcome many obstacles to achieve the goals of your missions. You will get fascinating and mysterious routes that bring in battles with enemies, hunting and exploring the surrounding world.
Super Mario is a series of games, the first of which was released in 1997. Now, the developers have released several modern versions of this project with a very interesting and exciting story. The process of the game will show the gamer new methods. Mario Sunshine will help you travel with a lot of riddles that you will have to solve by solving puzzles. Even adults can play this project, not just children. You’ll probably get a lot of fun and positive emotions in the process of this game.
Once again we draw your attention to The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt game, which is a sequel to one of the most famous games about this character. I’m sure you’ll be delighted with the quality of the graphics and many opportunities to explore the universe of this project. The story will take you on a long trip to a beautiful and sunny region that can be considered one of the best ones among the games with a fantastic script.

Witcher 3 Hearts of Stone is an add-on to this game, which is also on the Nintendo Switch list of best games. There, you’ll see new locations, runes, more weapons and new rivals.
Hearts of Stone will tell you how Geralt of Rivia searches for and liquidates a violent and dangerous ringleader named Olgierd von Everec, who is immortal. You should remember that the development of the storyline depends on your decisions in this game. This is a characteristic of all RPG games, and it is the reason why many gamers love the genre so much. The Geralt story is no exception, and it is even a model to be emulated.
Thus, in this article, we described the best games for the Nintendo Switch, but it’s not a complete list. There are other games you might like. That is why you should choose the game based solely on your wishes, and then you will choose the best option from the whole list of good projects.